Taking time to smell the sagebrush. — Not fragile like a flower, fragile like a bomb Wanderlust with us! Stop, smell the sagebrush, enter the chaos. witchy-sun image in vector art format
Girl Scout Cookies

Welcome to Happy in the Hills

Happy in the Hills - DIY, Blogs and more

Who is Happy in the Hills?  We seek harmony amid the noise.  We strive to find calm in the chaos.  Honestly, we make it up as we go!

"Laugh loudly, laugh often, and most important, laugh at yourself."

---Chelsea Handler ---

Welcome Happy in the hills

The blogs!

Liz and Shane blog about a variety of topics!

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Liz's content content and blog! Liz is the curator of Happy in the Hills. Mother of Dragons!

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Shane - zentriathlete

Shane's blog and musings about triathlon including his wanderings of reasonable self scrutiny.

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#teamlivingston est. 2004!

Our dragons aka circus of chaos!

Our stable of Dragons as we lovingly refer to our ‘circus of chaos’.  The timing wasn’t necessarily our preferred option, but with hindsight we see many reasons to be grateful to how our timeline played out.  We have a full roster and our hearts our full.  We manage our best without a guidebook and often times, we just make things up as we go.  We wouldn’t have it any other way!





Aspirations, failures, successes!

Lessons learned, wisdoms earned, chaos yet to be explored!


Enough looking,
Let's dive into

Happy in the Hills Content