
Mav Aquadoc’s Spa & Hot Tub Water Clarifier Review

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I have waited a LONG time for a hot tub. Besides just loving the water, I have a terrible back and the warmth from a hot tub helps relax the muscles and get my day going – or help me wind down. I knew we couldn’t afford one outright, so I posted online asking if anyone had a hot tub they were looking to sell since I kept missing all the good offerings. Well, just my luck someone had one they just wanted to give us! How amazing! we just had to figure out how to get it home and in place, but it was ours for the taking! There hasn’t been too much wrong with it, but considering I hired someone to look at it (he didn’t) and he said to just junk it, but I don’t give up easily and have managed to fix all its problems. Now we have a beautiful working hot tub. Now I just had to learn how to balance the water.

I am a beginner to all things hot tubs and chemicals. To be honest, I feel pretty fancy dipping a test strip in the water – like a bonafide scientist, haha! There are chemicals to add like chlorine or bromine (which appear to be practically the same), ph increaser or decreaser, alkaline increaser or decreaser, foam decreaser, shock, and clarifier. For the purposes of this post, I gained some experience with the other chemicals, and then it was time to try the water clarifier from Mav Aquadoc.

If you have a hot tub or swimming pool, you should give the Mav Aquadoc Spa and Hot Tub Water Clarifier a try. Again, this was my first time using a clarifier and I quite liked it. The other chemicals I’ve used came in a granulated form, so I was surprised to see this arrive as a thick dark blue liquid that seems to not have any smell. I used a small glass mason jar with the ounces marked on it to measure out 2 ounces. I have a 500 gallon hot tub and the directions were for a larger 800 gallon tub so I had to adjust.

In it went and I was a little surprised to see so much of the blue residue staying back in the glass. I rinsed the glass a few times in the water to get the rest out. It seems to me I would have wasted some of the product had I not done that.

I checked the water later that night and also the next day with the sun shining through to see if I could tell a difference. My water has not been very cloudy and was not at the time I used the clarifier, so one might think there wouldn’t be much of a difference. It turns out, there was a huge difference! This water clarifier worked great! When the jets aren’t going, I can see every spec of sand that magically found its way into the hot tub.

The Spa and Hot Tub Water Clarifier bottle I received is about the same size as the bottles I use for other purposes in the tub. Because the bottles are about the same size, but I need to use more of the product than the granules of the others, I think I will go through it quickly. Given the price of the others, at least I know they will last some time. I’m not so sure how long this will. I plan to continue using it, although I will wait until my water is cloudier to help it last longer.