The Ultimate Bathroom Cleaning Checklist for Teens

Being the parent of a teenager is HARD. Actually, being a parent at all is hard – but time passes and each new phase blurs the old one and presents us with a new difficulty level. Some teens are fairly easy – they seem to have been born with their own manual, knowing how to clean and when its okay to sass back. Others seem blissfully unaware of the world around them. We love them anyway but might lose our minds if we don’t throw in some humor now and again.
Enter the bathroom cleaning checklist made especially for snarky and sassy teens who love to roll their eyes. Tired of repeating yourself? Well if they actually follow the list, you shouldn’t have to. You can find a printable version of the checklist at the bottom of this post. Keep an eye out for future snarky teenager checklists, but for now, comment below on how we can improve this list or what kind of list you’d like to see!
Bathroom Cleaning Checklist for Teens
- First, stop and roll your eyes, make sure we can see the whites.
- Grumble and say this is stupid. Include “I’m not going to follow a list”
You’re off to a great start! Now, to redeem full and not abbreviated privileges for the day, make sure to check everything off in order. Don’t skip!
- Gather the following – broom, dustpan, 2 clean rags, All Purpose spray, Windex, gloves if desired.
- Rehome items on counter to the proper locations. If you aren’t sure, ask.
- Pick up all dirty linens, take to the laundry.
- Shake out the bath mat and hang over the tub.
- Remove remaining items on counter to the floor or toilet lid.
- With a dry rag, dust the light fixture.
- Using Windex, spray the mirror and wipe it down.
Scrub any difficult spots like toothpaste.
Make sure it is shiny and has no streaks.
- Using All Purpose spray the entire counter, sink and fixtures. Scrub it down so it looks new.
- No lint, no raised surfaces or bumps, no grime.
- With all purpose, wipe the tile backsplash and the lid of the toilet tank.
- Wipe down cabinets, remove and grime like soap or toothpaste.
- Get toilet scrubber, scrub the inside, use extra if necessary. Let it sit a minute.
- While the toilet bowl sits, spray and wipe down the entire outside of the toilet. No pee, no pee, no pee!
- Sweep the floor, get the edges and corners really good.
- Spray the outside of the tub and baseboards.
- Wipe them down.
- Flush whats left in the toilet.
- Return items to counter.
- Empty and return the trashcan.
- Spray any tough dirt on the tile.
- Steam clean the floor.
- Return cleaning products and rags go to laundry.