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This is a root category for all videolog content that pertains to Neurodiversity including but not limited to:

  • ASD
  • AD(H)D
  • Dyslexia
  • Mental Health
  • and more!

Shane started to gather video format because it is easier to capture than writing. The quandary is the workflow to post.

This category is limited to Neurodiversity related vLogs.

This is the space where we offload thoughts about navigating ADHD, ASD, and the PDA profile. Topics are shared candidly that relate to our parenting adventures of our kiddos with neurodiversity.

We continue to vLog more about neurodivergent kiddos and parenting. The journey intersects with many topics as we parent neurodiverse kiddos. We try our best and thought it may be helpful to share observations as we wanderlust through it all.

We are humans. We are partners. We parent as best we can (no guidebooks just our loving spouse to keep us on our toes).  We love this Maya Angelou thought: “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better!”.

This is hard! But it’s worth it! We learn more as a parent, a spouse/partner, and as humans because of our kiddos! I have learned the “Unrealistic expectations are just future resentments”!

We harvest our neuro diversity oriented videos here and share them here:

Hashtags matter: #neurodiversity #ADHD #ASD #PDA #parentingnuerodiversity #vLogzentriathlete #zentriathlete


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