Liz's Blog and thoughts at Happy in the Hills!
Thanksgiving Day – Cinnamon Rolls
I write a food blog because I love food! It’s one of the only things I think I’m even remotely good at! Thanksgiving is like a superbowl of cooking for me and…
December 11, 2009 -
Cheesy Acorn Squash
I’d never had an acorn squash before and when I saw these on sale the other day, I just had to get one! Then I figured out what I’d do with it……
December 11, 2009 -
Pumpkin French Toast
Are you drooling yet? Do I even need to say anything or is the picture enough? I experienced this awesome dish first in a restaurant named Magnolia located in Burlington, VT. While…
December 11, 2009 -
Vegan Stuffed Shells
Dairy has just been hating my body lately. It makes me feel completely awful. This of course doesn’t stop me from craving it. I LOVE stuffed pasta in all its forms. Stuffed…
November 9, 2009 -
Fake Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato with Sally Lunn bread
Yummmm. The title ought to have your mouth watering…nevermind having pictures! Okay well since everyone loves pictures I have some for you. I’m so nice. I’ve tried fake bacon before and let…
November 9, 2009 -
Popcorn Tofu, Saucy Seitan and more….
Usually I am just on the internet looking for the best recipes out there already created. There are SO MANY so why would I think to create some of my own? Well…
October 24, 2009 -
Dang Bluetooth!
I have taken pictures of food lately with my phone and getting them to the computer is frustrating me! I used to move the pictures to my Mac using bluetooth all the…
October 3, 2009 -
Sally Lunn Bread
Several people asked for this recipe before I had even posted it online! This really is a great recipe, best one for sandwich bread I have ever made! Even toasted great! I…
September 28, 2009 -
3rd New Moon Trailer
I promise, I have more food related stuff to post but I just HAD to post this. It’s true, I’m a Twilighter and i am beyond excited with each new trailer that…
September 14, 2009
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Hi, I’m Liz!