Eventing Event clip from IM Calif - 2022.
Exiting T2 - taking time with family.
Always time for family! Always!
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Husband You may think you are ordinary, but to me you are as
magical as the ocean. You are my heart beating outside of
my chest. My life, my whole life, take it, and do with it what
you will.
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Dad Fathers are men who dared to place the world's hopes and dreams
in their children. Dads are most ordinary men turned by love
into heroes, adventurers, storytellers, and singers of song.
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Friend A true friend is the greatest of all
blessings, and that which we take
the least care of all to acquire.
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Hobbyist Everybody needs hobbies... spaces
and places to play in and pray in, where nature
may heal and give strength to body and soul.
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The intersection of Happy in the Hills and #zentriathlete. Welcome to the meta-verse #teamlivingston!

Where I journal about my wanderings and encounters with Awe, Wonder, and Joy

Welcome to my blog! I focus on how my wanderings of reasonable self scrutiny intersect with life, mindset, family and my hobby of swim, bike and run. I also focus and take on the dreaded extra disciplines, too (nutrition, recovery, kindness, etc.). Be kind. Be reasonable. Don’t be a douchebag!

A sample of my current blog posts are below!

Podcasts that hold my attention

Attention has become currency, so I choose to focus where I spend mine wisely.

Image Daily Stoic Podcast Link
Image Daily Dad Podcast Link
Huberman Lab Podcast Link Image

Apps I use for my triathlon hobby!

Thought I’d share my preferred applications I choose to use.



Training Peaks






Some quotes that currently resonate with me! (must hover to see!)

Some quotes that currently resonate with me!

“Unrealistic expectations are just future resentments!”

“Almost universally, the kind of performance we give on social media is positive. It’s more “Let me tell you how well things are going. Look how great I am.” It’s rarely the truth: “I’m scared. I’m struggling. I don’t know.”~~Ryan Holiday

“If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking.” – Murakami

More blogs at Happy in the Hills!

Liz and Shane blog about a variety of topics!

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