Category / Neurodiversity - VLOG/PODCAST / Nuerodiverse - ADHD/ASD

This category is to gather my video or audio logs on neurodiversity in vLog format from me. I have been gathering more in video format because it is easier to capture than writing. The quandary is the workflow to post I haven’t figured out yet. I also don’t feel I have a good hosting capability just yet. I am trying to work all that out.

I will keep this category to Neurodiversity (ASD/ADHD, etc) related vLogs.

From the youtube space where I host these from:

This is my space where I offload my thoughts about navigating ADHD, ASD, and the PDA profile. I share topics candidly that relate my parenting adventures of my kiddos with neurodiversity.

I have started to vLog more about neurodivergent kiddos and parenting. The journey intersects with many topics as I navigate parenting my neurodiverse kiddos. I try my best and I thought it may be helpful to share my observations as I wanderlust through it all.

I am a human. I am a husband (I try my best). I am a father (no guidebooks just a loving spouse to keep me on my toes).  I love this Maya Angelou thought: “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better!”.

This is hard! But it’s worth it! I have learned more as a parent, a husband, and a human because of my kiddos! I have learned the “Unrealistic expectations are just future resentments”!

I am harvesting my neuro diversity oriented videos here and I share them at my blog –

Hashtags matter: #neurodiversity #ADHD #ASD #PDA #parentingnuerodiversity #vLogzentriathlete #zentriathlete

Neurodiversity – VLOG/PODCAST