Weekly Reflections and Focus
In a bit of a quagmire. In all seriousness, things are quite good. I recently completed a local Sprint format Triathlon called the Logan Triathlon. It is an On Hill Events produced event by the formidable Joseph Coles.
Review of Logan Triathlon AKA Cache Valley Super Sprint.
So in other news, not much, trying to get back into a groove. I don’t have any formal targeted events for the rest of the year. Now it’s time to find/focus/identify my new rhythm. I am struggling with nutrition a bit. So, Liz and I are starting back into no dairy and highly reduced non-natural sugars. I am 195-198 lbs consistently and would like to push below 190 and to a steady 185-188 lbs.
So, I’m not sure where I want to take things with the blog so, sorry for the little waffle here. Strava links are available.
The new thing though is Dennis coming out and riding his mom’s bike while I run. There is a 10k course that is quite safe for him except for one section that I have him walk with me and then get back at it. it’s been fun watching him want to come be with dad. Apparently, it’s our new thing for now. I will try to through some pix down below!
Activities – Strava Logs (Shane’s Strava link)
I’ve condensed this space to just the link above. Stalk me or join me as a follower, your choice.
Weekly Pics
Dad and Dennis – was about 92 degrees, and yup, bringing out the natural sweater
pre-spring selfie – it’s true, I was awake
transition setup
transition setup evolution
where I was on the end, I took a small liberty and used space to my advantage.
my number
transition ready, now we wait
transition setup in process
walking around and staying loose
finishers medal and AG #2 medal. For no expectations, this was nice.
Dennis mingling with local everyday heroes
Juniper getting nails done at princess day
Tour of Utah press event
Tour of Utah press event
Tour of Utah press event
Tour of Utah press event
Tour of Utah press event
Tour of Utah press event
Tour of Utah press event
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Tour of Utah press event
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