Checkin’ IN!!!
Well so much has happened. It has been awhile and I apologize for that. I have been busy and occupied with other important things. As many may know, our family dynamic changed on September 12. Astrid Livier joined us. That now makes us LSDJA. It is quite an awesome and incredible honor to be able to increase our family. Further, my company allowed me to have 4 weeks straight for paternity leave. That is an AWESOME and incredible benefit for sure.
Liz let me get away and go run and adventure on the Welssville mountains. I had a big run week building into the 12 mile adventure, which slowed me down a bit but probably kept me well within my limits. I had the opportunity to spend time with a local runner and get to know her a bit better Louise Wilkerson. She is also involved in our local law enforcement and I was able to gain a little swimmer wisdom from her too. Here’s some photos:
Coming down switchbacks after the epic photo at the Wellsville cone cirque – photo cred – Matthew Shoemaker.
Airing it out as I am getting closer to the peaks – photo cred – Matthew Shoemaker.
the clever group – photo cred – Matthew Shoemaker.
Great company ascending to Box Elder Peak – photo cred – Matthew Shoemaker.
Some Video!
debonaire selfies
A different perspective of Cache Valley.
Years ago i snowboarded this, this time I run up ?
Fields and hills for days
Sun flare selfie
I am having a hard time collecting thoughts and recapturing things. I think i will frame things this way. i am ready to re-focus and get back to work. i am realizing that life balance sometimes is tricky. Liz and I are trying to identify and establish our new normal. One of the challenges after having paternity leave for 4 weeks is re establishing routines after such a disruption. Dennis is having moments and making things quite difficult at times. Juniper and I got ill towards the end. in fact, I have been sick since just before Astrid arrived and it has been lingering. It has made swimming and running and cycling less than optimal. It has been a challenge to keep at things and looking back at my logs I am thinking I am identifying the routine I will work with.
For my run volume, one week I will surge the following week i will recover but have maintenance weeks. As i try to extend my self to prepare for a 50 miler out on Antelope Island, i have to be smart, consistent and intelligent to remain injury free. Also, mental toughness has to be considered too. I need to find a way to get some runs out on the island and I have a few friends that are willing to support and participate too. Once I find a rhythym I imagine that i will be able to settle in better and things will feel more normal.
Some more photos will be below. Like in running, we have to start from where we currently are, and I will pick up my blog posts again.
Activities – Strava Logs (Shane’s Strava link)
Relevant Pics
Thats all folks!
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#triathlonlifestyle #swimbikerun #trilife #triathlon #Checkin #run #swim #triathlonlife #ironmantraining #familybalancetri #triathlontraining #triathlete #triathlonmotivation #bike #2017