Checkin’ IN!!!
Well, so much for staying home and working remotely. A lot of minor changes. When disruptions present, trying to contain and filter the noise is an art that I dislike engaging in. Especially when trying to not upset others and maintain an even keel. Even the best of us boil over at times, and I am trying to simply acknowledge and work with/around things beyond my control. I helped Liz get out and away by herself last night. Astrid rewarded my chivalry and benevolence with a 4 AM trip to two local Wal-Marts to find a nose-frida — which did clear her nose beautifully. She can now breathe.
My focus on workout and nutrition is sub-par, and I know that, but I love my family at times more than I do me — so it’s a dance I have to work through until it stabilizes a bit more. We have been at steady state for a while and its time to rise above the disambiguation. Ya. I’m restless, tired and trying to not be cranky to my wife and family. A buddy of mine reached out this morning even to ay he needs a break away and some dudes times.
Activities – Strava Logs (Shane’s Strava link)
Specific Workout links go here
Relevant Pics
Playing Irondad
Plant-based protein resource chart – Reminders for great source of plant-based proteins
At least i got some laps in somewhere since my last check in
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#triathlonlifestyle #swimbikerun #trilife #triathlon #Checkin #run #swim #triathlonlife #ironmantraining #familybalancetri #triathlontraining #triathlete #triathlonmotivation #bike #2017