Checkin’ IN!!!
So, I wanted to share the progression of the above Triathlon 2018 Photo I created.
I originally took inspiration from this one:
Then I took the following photo and adapted the wording:
I used the photo because of the experience I had the day I took this picture.
Unfiltered…captured this post run then took some photos for a family with a newborn…mother and father were taking turns…they were surprised I offered and overly gracious….was a great run on the seashore too…. #zentriathlete — From facebook post
It was a rough week in many ways and I went out and just ran along the seashore. I took off my shoes and just ran about 6 miles. When i was done I saw this sunset and took a picture of my shoes. i saw this family struggling to get a picture and the father was not in the photos. They were not American and appeared to be Persian or from somewhere in or around the Middle East. I walked up and asked if I could take a picture. After a moment of fumbling through communication issues, I took about 10 pictures for them. When I handed the phone back and said look, they scrolled through the pictures and both the mom and dad just looked up with sincere faces and hands ove their mouth and clasping their chests, I think it was thank you.
See, a simple moment of action yielded a great experience. I didn’t spend but 2 minutes of my time when I was not in a great head space I am sure as I was just trying to erase work issues away in a run and a magnificent landscape.
I am finding that this progression into being less agitated and disrupted by stress and life is NOWHERE near perfect. But through consistent effort, I am making headway and doing better. Sure, do I still have moments where this creeps in:
BBC – Sherlock Holmes quote by Benedict Cumberbatch!
It happens in my head a lot and I filter it and turn it around. The meme below is so very true and I know many in this circumstance and both sympathize and empathize with others when/where I am able. Being authentic and genuine doesn’t mean I ALWAYS have to be a douche-canoe in delivery.
It is valentine’s day, and I love my wife and the life we have carved out. it hasn’t always been scripted to our desired path, but our journey has yielded us many blessings through growth and adaptation to circumstance and our choices and sometimes through things we couldn’t control. So here’s my favorite current pix of us and my wife:
Liz tends to be hard on herself, but 5 months after the wee one, Astrid, whom she is holding. She looks pretty darn good for a mom of three and a spouse to a hobbyist Ironman type. It was much more than mere luck and happenstance, I was calculated and took a lot of insight from ‘the Big guy upstairs’.
You can chase my strava activities – but most notable have been bricks this week. I have been hitting the spinner and trying to get my legs ready for real outdoor rides. Swimming has been short but very purposeful. I have been concentrating on my swimming square, strong Early vertical forearm anchor and entry, a strong thorough pull – admittedly I think I pull my arm about 75 – 80 % and need to work on my follow through. My brick runs have been progressive starting at a 10 min pace, and pushing to approx an 8 min pace. I am still needing to return to working on my base, even though in November/December I was getting solid 90 minute runs in with good volume. I have switched primarily to Training peaks and still learning how to use that best.
Relevant Pics
Look at how far i have come – Summer 2017 – SLC, UT
Man, should could barely hold me – Summer 2013 – Strasbourg, France bridge to Kiehl, Germany
Hardcore A&D mom! – Cache valley, Utah
I was so plump – Summer 2013 – Paris, France.
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