Wife has been kicking me out to the pool lately, time to get back to daily form and routine.
Checkin’ IN!!!
So, sometimes I have no idea what to write about. Other than I have been fighting through a funk of inconsistency. Not because I am not in love with the activity lifestyle. Rather, sometimes, duty and stress of being a husband, father and a human comes first.
To that end. Liz required me to take a family day. So we went to lagoon and partied like Livingstons. Dennis and Juniper had a great day, sometimes together and others not. Astrid did surprisingly well overall. Here’s some glimpses:
Livingstons at lagoon
Livingstons at lagoon
Livingstons at lagoon
Livingstons at lagoon
Livingstons at lagoon
Brother and Sister – Juniper loved/hated this ride
car boss!
shooting down dreams
mom and dennis had a hard time keeping Juniper’s excitement down in line ?
Daddy and Astrid waiting patiently for the momma, dennis and Juniper.
So, in the end, the day was a hit. It was some of what was needed for our little family. Throwing cares to the wind and having FUN! And sometimes that is totally ok.
Liz has recently been kicking me out to swim or run. I have been able to run while in NYC and been trying to re-establish consistency. I am trying to remember to start where I am at. So I ran a 7:22minute mile the other day in NYC. I was like, la dee dah, watch on my ankle and just ‘feel’ it through. So when I got back and reviewed my times, I was like, no wonder I bonked the rest of the run. Lessons learned. I am scaling things way back and just trying to get back to running the park without high expectations. I need to find my groove and my feel.
Other than that, things are moving. The needle has felt stuck as it were for a long time and Liz and I are trying to re-establish our healthy habits. This includes but is not limite to: Family time, food and nutrition, exercise and general health, healthy habits, sleep, and other things I can’t remember right now.
I have seen an upswing in travel recently and there are more movements and changes that will hopefully stabilize things back to a reduction in travel. I had the opportunity to share a shuttle ride back with a previous boss. It was good to catch up and speak to both work and non work related topics. To see him in good health, that his family is in a good place and that life is good is always welcomed.
Anyway, work life balance has been more unbalanced than balanced lately. Things are starting to stabilize and Liz and I are starting to get our bearings back. Here’s hoping that things keep getting better. Trying to concentrate on being present and mental focus and mental strength.
I’m still plugging through the following book:
Here’s a link to his website. and a small video:
Here’s to a few great days!
Activities –
I use the following trackers:
- Garmin Connect (which pushes the files to the following services):
- Training Peaks
- Strava
- and the ones I don’t remember (Map my stuff via Under Armour and things like the Great Bicycle ride initiative stuff)
Honestly, I mainly use Training Peaks as I pay for an annual subscription on it now, and it is the most detailed in data and other helpful information to keep me where I want to go.
Relevant Pics
Pix go here
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