Sometimes priorities shift – It’s been awhile

It’s Been Awhile


It’s Been Awhile

Sometimes priorities shift. Then out of nowhere as space begins to allow for room to pivot, SNAP! See post here! We often jest the reason that triathlon folks suck so much at things outside of triathlon is because the moment we do something else we get enjoyed. Well, although I think the stereotype is an over reach, it did happen to me.

I am about to go back and load a lot of VLOG oriented posts. I think the best way for me to do that is to link them to an outside server source. I am currently using I am not sure how I want to integrate things and am working on the following:

I am in the be courageous enough to suck at something new. So I am thinking this:

Key notes

  • Blog post – Weekly – A written blog post (min)
  • VLOG posts – As often as I see fit
    • Triathlon, mindset, general life posts
    • ASD, PDA oriented posts
  • Personal post – will keep these to a min but will post from time to time

I will start here for Jan/Feb and re-assess and re calibrate expectations as required. Cheers!

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