Pool Swimming – SARC – Moderate building volume

Another 2 a day – Later swim, cut it off at 500 as I rode 35 ish mile all total yesterday. Apparently this was a decent swim by the numbers. BUt man, I was a bit gassed. That happens on two a days when i have not eaten well too. that being said, I got in the water and about 400 I had to stop. My phone was in my bag on the pool deck, and there was a type that was being weird too close to my bag. I would find this type up and walking around approaching my bag. I started bilateral breathing so I could monitor. So I stopped and observed about 10 minutes and but the type never stood up and another about the type’s age showed up and he migrated outside.I had grabbed my bag after finishing up and the type came back in. Once the type saw I was talking to someone on the pool deck, approached the bench where my bag was at and – out the door. My hope is it was coincidence, but the erratic behavior caused me to monitor.

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