Worthwhile share from Linkedin

From LinkedIN Josh Joseph

J. Joseph was one of my favorite customers. He challenged my recalibration into a journey of reasonable self scrutiny that is ongoing and persistent - inevitable and gradual :). This is worth a pause and read! Cheers!


Sure, while I do find LinkedIn quite an awkward platform, every once in awhile something blips across my feed that is noteworthy. Rabbi Josh Joseph is and was one of my favorite minds to interact with as a customer. Sure we jested about shoes, and where to run, if his hat was properly placed - it was a very worthwhile relationship. So, when this short form advice crossed on LinkedIn I did not want to lose this.

Click here for the linked in article in full format.

The title of his short form writing aligns with many things in my own journey of reasonable self scrutiny.

Change of Pace, Change at Pace: Managing Gradual Transformation

Rabbi Josh Joseph

Amid the many noises of the world, and some I am sure JJ and I would contentiously conflict on - one of my favorite attributes of his was his skill to listen, synthesize and transform pace and change. Sure, at times his inputs were overloaded - but in the role at the time, he would detune all noise to listen to my inputs. Were they received at the strength I gave them, I will not know, but transformative change was accelerated due to my inputs for the organization he was leading.

THis may seem like an ego boost - IT WAS NOT! In fact I was often curious to what it was about me and my inputs. In my chasing and formulation of :

  • Observe
  • Inform
  • Instruct

I didn't realize I was tuning in the observe and the informing stages. See here for more of my ideas. That is why the title is so apropos to my general strategy and assimilation of work, worldviews, mindset applications. I am always iterating and transforming. In the success circle - I aspire and then I fail or succeed.

The more transformative things I come across, I have gained a lot of wisdom to adapt at pace - to others - I let them conclude and own their own perception of fast, slow or other. I can't control the stories they tell or the perceptions they have and they aren't mine! So I let them navigate that space. For me, I use wisdom and courage to try to not fall too hard and incrementally improve. This read reminds me to stay humble, and to follow my observ, Inform and Instruct model. The import part around instruction or advice providing comes with consent. Pro tip - the more formalized the consent is, the more value add and successful those shares are. In fact, they often include a feedback cycle where min and the other actor's candle are united. See this section of a post here: An important thought an post I had some time ago.

For me and any who happen upon this - thanks for stopping and breezing through!

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