2022 – Jan 01 – First activity of the new year working toward IM California in Oct 2022

This is a test.

WP Strava ERROR 401 Unauthorized - See full error by adding
define( 'WPSTRAVA_DEBUG', true );
to wp-config.php

TESTING the integrations

Just getting this out in the public so I can tune in the plug in and the API’s around it. Fun fun fun. I decided to go with the MAPBOX options to begin with.


First rouvy ride of the year 2022. Every time I tried to get ds and get going another thing turned up. Thanks to my wife for quasi-forcing me to go get in a ride. Overall the ride was good. I have taken a significant break since gearing up for Liz’s back surgery and trip to Germany and Christmas. I now have to figure out how and where to make all this work. i do tend to like the later night activities as it affords me the beat opportunity to maintain my relationship with my wife and children throughout the day without turning me too much into a monster. We will see if that continues to work or if an adaptation is required.

Moving forward- I need to determine what my options are for swimming and get to work on that no later than March and then move to swimming out at Hyrum and Porcupine. Two ice capped bodies of water so earliest I can tend to swim is mid May to June depending on water temps. If I understand correctly the American River and Sacramento water temps are in the 60’s depending on water flows. It’s crazy to think I’d spend summers on the waters without a wetsuit either guiding or helping to guide rafts.

Ok, First post and first work out of the year. Done! And the WP Strava Plugin is now configured and tested and validated and working. For now!

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