Pool Swim – SARC – Indoor

A bit busier than I have seen it for some time. After stomaching that I won’t be doing an Ironman event due to cost this year, I took a small break to focus on the family and what little spring break we could do as a family. Don’t worry, we have a vacation to surprise the kiddos come the week of the 21st. Don’t spill the beans.

I have been really focused on slowing down, maintaining form, and breaking swim as I get tired. I put in a lot of wall work for my lower right hip adductor. It’s finally not feeling strain, and that means more bike rides (indoor/outdoor). Looking forward to getting my gravel out in the wild soon.

I am also frustrated with the Garmin embeds feature. They were working and now they are broke. I wanted to get that info out and it is frustrating that I can’t interact with an API easily and that I may have to do some json tricks.

WP Strava ERROR 401 Unauthorized - See full error by adding
define( 'WPSTRAVA_DEBUG', true );
to wp-config.php

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