Post from the past – LinkedIN

Shared this two years ago on linkedIn and it is still relevant today

Sometimes, I need a different stress and environment to think. #quietquitting really generated a lot of noise. I tend to turn inward and do a personal inventory when things agitate me.

The servant/master paradigm in US corporate business culture is volatile. I see great opportunities for change while we continue to weather life with covid-19, unspoken but real droughts and more interesting challenges of our current lifetime.

I imagine this will agitate me for a bit as I apply my worldview, interact with other worldviews and apply them to my work and life. I am grateful for #remotework that began in 2010 with Ellucian in the EdTech space. I am grateful for the opportunities and failures and growth I have encountered. I find I know less the more I interact with ‘giants’ in the EdTech space. I do not discount my lessons learned nor wisdom earned. I merely understand that ‘certainty is the death of creativity’ (thanks Ryan Holiday).

I am also reminded that many masters want to stay perched on their ‘carousels of comfort” (thanks Eddie Pinero). I am grateful for my mind and my body that let’s me handle stress in a way that helps me be a performer, contributor, mentor and thought leader in the consultancy practice I am privileged to work and interact in. I am grateful to the experiences that have taught me how to create, establish and maintain reasonable expectations and limit future resentments. I love my hobby of triathlon and long course endurance sports. it’s taught me resiliency and helps me grow my ethos and ethics first with life balance. So I am able to be available to work. Work is something I do, it’s not who I am.

Stress is stress is stress. While the body can’t compartmentalize stress, I can control how I react to it. So I create space to think, review, recalibrate and act. This post is for me. This is how I choose to work, so when I encounter difficulties at work, I have a larger library of coping skills to work through and enable me to find opportunities to achieve. acta non verba – with lots if practice!

I still find LinkedIn an awkward space. 😅

SOURCE: Click here for original LinkedIn post – you will probably have to login

#work #edtech #culture #growth #opportunities #creativity #covid #grateful #recalibrate

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