Some poignant thoughts
Courage. JustiCE. Wisdom. Temperance A thought From this image Liz and I have found the more we foster a space for mental resilience – a space that allows them to…
General topics including the following:
I refer to them as Check-ins because they represent the smallest steps in my journey of reasonable self-scrutiny.
Courage. JustiCE. Wisdom. Temperance A thought From this image Liz and I have found the more we foster a space for mental resilience – a space that allows them to…
Alexi Pappas explores goals & mentorship and Ryan interweaves in stoicism concepts.
This thought from AC came across my way as I was doing dishes and playing with the kiddos and while it’s clear that many things are outside of my control these days – Like Seneca _ I can come to control what I can of my existence. Some key drivers for me that I have ignored while nursing an injury and not training include:
What is – Premeditatio malorum? A definition of sorts to start Premeditatio malorum : “The exercise of imagining things that could go wrong or be taken away from us. It…
Firstly – I’m aware of my mistakes! I am my biggest critic, and I definitely struggle to allow myself enough grace to also be my biggest fan! Without action and remaining solely intellectually driven I don’t receive feedback that can encourage or persuade me on. I can’t receive often critical feedback reminding me that recalibration and retooling is required.
“Up and not crying” is a Norwegian idiom that means a day is great, even if it’s not perfect. The phrase is oppe og ikke gråter in Norwegian, and it’s used as a response to the morning greeting, “how are you?”. The meaning of the phrase is that things aren’t great, but not terrible either, and you’re getting on with life.
A little bit about me A glimpse of me I have Dyslexia A quick 9 minute-ish clip that succinctly describes a lot about how my mind works, internalizes and skips…
Epictetus, Discourses, 1.6.1–2 “It is easy to praise providence for anything that may happen if you have two qualities: a complete view of what has actually happened in each instance…
Responded to a question from a friend – To love only what happens…no greater harmony. Subtitles – Raw unedited All right good morning it is April 3rd that means it’s…