20230403 – VLOG post re-FORMAT
Responded to a question from a friend – To love only what happens…no greater harmony. Subtitles – Raw unedited All right good morning it is April 3rd that means it’s…
2023 focused. General mindset, triathlon, and more blog posts. I refer to them as Check-ins because they represent the smallest steps of my hobby journey.
Responded to a question from a friend – To love only what happens…no greater harmony. Subtitles – Raw unedited All right good morning it is April 3rd that means it’s…
I share this pivot story to point out — many aren’t aware of the daily challenges we face. These often include: Each time Liz and I hope we find a…
Some art work Upper – Shoulder cap to elbow-ish Lower – Wrist to elbow-ish So, I have always envisioned a tattoo since I was like 9 years old. At the…
October 18, 2022: The world said goodbye – Steve Jacob “If a man will begin with certainties, he shall end in doubts; but if he will be content to begin…
Each journey begins with a simple first step Thinking back to that striking moment when I watched my first Ironman triathlon (click here for more storied thoughts). Maybe this is…
Headspace Been thinking on Halloween. I have an affinity for the months that end with ‘bers. It started with secular inculcation, then I moved into observation and experiential learning, then…
An important topic to me If you need help – St;ll Here! #SuicideHotline 1-800-273-8255 or 988 I’m a bit frustrated at #teamworld today. So taking a different approach to the…
Daily Stoic. Podcast. RH podcast with Timothy Egan on Extremism and Fear and his Book – RH podcast with Timothy Egan Back in April I listened to this podcast with…
What is – Premeditatio malorum? A definition of sorts to start Premeditatio malorum : “The exercise of imagining things that could go wrong or be taken away from us. It…