• Free-Will

    i quite enjoyed this quote from Elder D. Todd Christofferson from the March 2013 Ensign…. “Our choice in this life is not whether we will or will not be subject…

  • ramblings

    unfortunately it is indicative of the consequences of poor choices in the human experience….for some reason we cannot seem to come together to understand, regardless of opinion, philosophy or status…

  • Untitled

    Broken thoughts above…stuck in draft, published now!!! #2013 #Personal

  • Random Quibblings

    A lot of people have suggested I write a book. The problem is with writing a book, it consumes one’s mind, passion and other details most commonly shared with close…

  • Holidays

    It’s been nice b/c for the first time since I graduated from USU, I have not had to work for 2 weeks straight.  There are no distractions, such as moving…

  • Untitled

    “while we will be the last to oppress we will be the last to be driven from our post–peace be still bury the hatchet & the sword.– the sound of…

  • Untitled

    I don’t often throw my true sentiments out like this on Facebook, but here is my slant of things….good luck in following me here…here’s something to think about…whilst everyone is…