GS ERA has Begun!
The Girls extend a big thank you to all who viewed and ordered. Personalized deliveries are beginning for local purchases. To the many that support The Girl Scouts Organization thank you! There is still a bit of time for online orders, as soon as THINGS close, the buttons below will be reduced to inactionable.
Each girl has a button to link to their cookie selling profile. It’s easy to look at how many each girl has remaining to their individual goals – so give it a look and save yourself on shipping and just make an order from one girl.
Pro tips
- Save on shipping and order from just one of the girls.
- By clicking into the link you can see who has so many boxes left if you want to help each of them.
- The girls are excited and learning a few new skills!

Order From Juniper
I’m a Girl Scout Cookie Seller!
My troop plans to use its funds to do fun activities and to be able to learn. I will be able to learn about hard work and team work. I’ll learn new skills and get comfortable talking to people.
I’m a Girl Scout Cookie Seller!
We are planning to use the money to fund all of our activities where we learn and serve our community. I can learn hard work and teamwork!