Lessons Learned
Learn.Know.Grow. Lessons learned! Views: 26
Where the world is a chaotic circus!
Welcome to my wanderings and encounters with:
Awe, Wonder, and Joy!!!
What is – Premeditatio malorum? A definition of sorts to start Premeditatio malorum : “The exercise of imagining things that could go wrong or be taken away from us. It…
Firstly – I’m aware of my mistakes! I am my biggest critic, and I definitely struggle to allow myself enough grace to also be my biggest fan! Without action and remaining solely intellectually driven I don’t receive feedback that can encourage or persuade me on. I can’t receive often critical feedback reminding me that recalibration and retooling is required.
“Up and not crying” is a Norwegian idiom that means a day is great, even if it’s not perfect. The phrase is oppe og ikke gråter in Norwegian, and it’s used as a response to the morning greeting, “how are you?”. The meaning of the phrase is that things aren’t great, but not terrible either, and you’re getting on with life.
the neurological and biological dispositions these humans with a neurodivergent neurotype was determine long before any imperfect/perfect parenting style ever interacted with the human (modeling, gentle, authoritative, low-demand, abusive – parenting styles or trauma-induced environmental conditions).
A little bit about me A glimpse of me I have Dyslexia A quick 9 minute-ish clip that succinctly describes a lot about how my mind works, internalizes and skips…
So I see you all like the Krampus-Festivities. I want to tell you something about one of its origins if you like. First of all as a rule of thumb:…
The servant/master paradigm in US corporate business culture is volatile. I see great opportunities for change while we continue to weather life with covid-19, unspoken but real droughts and more interesting challenges of our current lifetime.
Epictetus, Discourses, 1.6.1–2 “It is easy to praise providence for anything that may happen if you have two qualities: a complete view of what has actually happened in each instance…