It’s been a minute

Where Have we been?

The Chaotic Chaos of DragonHaus Livingston

It has been a minute! I have been sooo busy with keeping up, an my injury hasn’t helped. I may have posted but let’s get a small summary of events.

Summer is finally here

With the supposed arrival of summer, the temperatures strongly disagree, the kiddos brains have hit perma shut off. What does this mean? Full summer mode is on. Liz and I can never do enough to keep them properly engaged, but parks, hikes, learning experiences, food, water ice, waterplay have become the norms for the little ones. For us, lack of sleep, stress, adulting and parent shortcomings are all too present. But we are loving it!

Disneyland April

In late April, Liz and I finally had the means to do a Disneyland trip. We did it our own way. It may have frustrated a few folks, but our family hasn’t ever had a just us vacation, and that was sorely needed. No obligations, no agendas or other timelines for or from others. Just us, our new car travel topper, our feet and trying not to spontaneously combust.

So needless to say, there were many positives, plenty of nope moments and a few existential crises along the way. We decided to do 2 days at Disneyland and 1 day at California adventures. Overall the trip was a success. We chose to stop over in St. George heading down and back which for me injured was weird because I wasn’t getting ready for the 70.3 Ironman event. Along the way the kiddos did well and our new little acquired on top of the car travel tote was most helpful. I decided to put on a forward cross beam rack which made the thing travel like a dream. We were able to place most of our luggage atop the family van providing much more space to the kiddos than the trip in October for Ironman in Sacramento.

Injury update

I’m still injured. A few weeks back post Disney trip, I felt really good and so I tried to run. I got about 15 -18 miles in – slow sloggers, for the week with a few 5 k walks – in total I had approx 30 walk/run miles for the week. Well I am still recovering. This injury has been a new and uncharted territory as I have almost always just bounced back. Each time I think I am ready, I am proven wrong.