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How many memorable days have you had lately?

The iFIT Summit Push is an opportunity to push yourself outside your comfort zone, where the real growth happens. Starting from the base of Snowbasin ski mountain, you’ll have 12 hours to find out how many summits you can climb in one day. Hike up. Gondola down. Repeat. There are no shortcuts – just the next step up the mountain. Are you ready to find out what happens when you train your body and mind to KEEP CLIMBING?

Registration is now open

What will you learn about yourself on the mountain?

One mountain. 12 hours. Infinite lessons.

The iFIT Summit Push is a new category of endurance challenge. We rent out Snowbasin ski resort for a day to give you a chance to see how many times you can climb the mountain in 12 hours. Are you ready to find out what you’re made of?

Registration is now open

Registration is now open