20221107 – quick vLog update

vLog Update – update

Text to video thoughts above (Unedited, no styling)

all right so I’m turning a little bit more to v-logs just to kind of help me stay abreast uh finding time lately to type my stuff has been a little more difficult with uh workloads and everything else and now that I’m coming out of Iron Man and seeing a little more clearly it was interesting on the Saturday before I went for a quick swim um and the swim absolutely no nothing except hey I’m getting in the water I’m going to go ahead and record it but just get a couple laps and see how my arm’s doing feel loose and right before I went back to do that so in the mornings on Saturday often my wife works for trade at a gym so we have those services and now it’s time to get her back being Athletics it’s been about a year from her back surgery she’s doing really great has more good days than bad days but the problem is of course because we have relieved and she’s got this cool little apparatus disc replacement in her back that will last anywhere from 60 to 65 years all the other things that were being masked by that major pain problem and pain point now come forward so uh you know everything from the biomechanical structures around her hips and she’s got some issues with her upper neck in the cervical area but anyways so as part of what she does there uh we get a full family membership and that’s how we do our things and we’re very grateful for the efforts she puts out and uh so anyways as I was helping her back and forth uh yesterday she took our littlest Lucas and then our middle our seven-year-old and then our five-year-old decided she wanted to stay back today and um anyways

so as I was working back and forth grabbed them some snacks and stuff for them for their needs uh yeah I was walking out and I was telling my friend Gustavo while I was sitting in the hot tub after as he came over what are you doing what are you relaxing we don’t relax we go go go um I’m in recovery questioning life’s decisions now it was interesting I was walking out and as I was walking out I got some sideways stairs because I walked in with a Target bag which had you know snacks and stuff for my wife and son we don’t have a Target in town so I think that’s part of it and the other part is this person taking things into the gym and walking right out are you supposed to go work out um yeah always keep them guessing is my motto um but as I was walking out to the car I was sitting there and just kind of taking it all in for a second because I haven’t I was the first workout in two weeks you know the it was day 13 that I really you know I’ve done some running not anything you know just chasing kids and stuff maybe a quarter mile to a mile Max walking and stuff like that but uh anyways uh as I walked out I was kind of just really paying attention to things for a minute and I was like well I guess uh

fatigue masks Fitness talk about holy cow like I actually you know taking a look down seeing my body composition I’m not where I want to be I still need to shed 15 pounds but uh I was like this is what all that work was for um because I feel great not perfect but I feel great I feel healthy uh I’m sure there’s you know after my little medical episode and stuff my hand and other things uh you know I feel good and that’s where I’m at so uh anyways but for working out I’m going to start getting back into things have absolutely no goals at this point uh potentially uh Liz and I are both talking about Liz wants to go do javelina thank you Melissa um I don’t even think you’ll ever watch this but if it is Melissa I blame you um sounds like you guys had a great time down there at javelina and seeing Heather Jackson uh go just do some amazing things I’m very grateful to be circled by such inspiring and wonderful not just athletes but humans so well we gotta go get my daughter Nick’s daughter to school so um but yeah uh St George For Me Maybe 70.3 I’ve got to talk to some family and see if we can arrange some stuff or if we can get um housing down there through our meetings um and um maybe I just I think the 70.3 distance is where it’s at and maybe it’s time to start getting stronger and faster instead of uh

again my whole goal was to get to I guess to a 140.6 I’ve done that completed California I don’t know if I will be able to invest in another full monetarily or time for my family but the 70.3 I can do and St George is the one that I like but prices went up a lot significantly so um the problem with the economy today Etc is what I dislike most and I’ll end on this um what I dislike the most is we sign up for these events so far in advance like after this like I could sign up and be like oh hey life is so great so we sign up a year in advance and then Iron Man wants to give us this 90-day Flex or whatever kind of thing which okay great cool um and I get that they’re a corporation but in Long course Endurance Sports when we sign up for this we’re signing up based on what we know today not necessarily what life is going to throw in between if our health is going to change if we’re going to injure ourselves Etc so signing up and this is with marathons and stuff too everybody’s excited to sign up when it first opens I mean whoever did the marketing on that is hit that great and everybody’s agitated and anxious and has to get into it I don’t like that I would much prefer wait until the last moment and sign up then that’s when I know that I’m healthy that’s when I know that I am able to do it I know that I’m within 90 days or you know 45 days and I can complete it that’s why I love local races like uh Joe at onhill events that I can wait until the last two days and sign up the two you know a day or two in advance because I know that I’m healthy things are hitting and I’m not under expectations management or failures or anything else that are unreasonable and then have you know resentments and problems and injury and all all that so anyways gotta go help get my family to school